April 19, 2024

This year, the vineyard celebrates its 25th anniversary. Indeed, on April 19, 1999, Domaine Bresee Vineyard was born! After two years of work in the fields to revitalize the soil and ensure proper slopes for parcel drainage, the first 12,500 vines were planted.


Over the years, customers have become increasingly informed about winemaking methods, and their tastes have become more refined. To reach a broader audience of wine enthusiasts, owner Rick has developed another range of products. Three new wines with reduced sugar levels will be introduced this year: a white, a rosé, and a red. The white will have a slight woody touch, the rosé will evoke Provence wines, and the red will be simply PERFECT! Moreover, celebrating calls for bubbles! Although not finalized, there are plans to introduce two sparkling wines this year: a rosé and a white, both dry and festive. The current range of seven wines will remain, as many fans would be disappointed not to find their favorites.


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